Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Visual Communication in our National Parks

In today's world most people don't have the means to be able to see the national parks and the awesome beauty within them.  There is no better way to show them the landscapes and wildlife then through the use of visual communication. Whether by photography, video, audio, our national parks are something that should be enjoyed by everyone by any means necessary.

I feel people today don't appreciate our national parks, we share this world with the plants and animals within them and must protect them.  With some of these creatures only being able to live in certain areas its vital our parks get the attention they deserve in order to prosper for as long as possible.

Through visual communication people can see first hand why our national parks are something that need to be protected, and if people can't see what we need to help preserve then wheres the motivation to help protect out parks?  Reading about whats going on will only do so much, but there is so much more value in watching and hearing it!

National parks are for everyone to enjoy and learn about the history and biodiversity in our country and through visual communication people wont just have to wonder about whats going on in our national parks but actually experience it and hopefully do their part in taking care of it.

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